benign phyllodes tumor breast treatment

Phyllodes Tumor of Breast: A Review Article.
Apr 29, 2013. Frontiers of biomed sci. in breast cancer screening and diagnosis 110 .. Treatment OptionsThe usual treatment for benign phyllodes tumor is.
Phyllodes tumour | Radiology Reference Article |
Phyllodes tumour (PT) is a rare breast tumor with mixed connective and epithelial . wide excision should be the primary treatment of benign phyllodes tumors.
[Analysis of the treatment and prognosis of recurrent breast.
Delayed Cardiac Metastasis from Phyllodes Breast Tumor.
benign phyllodes tumor breast treatment
Management of phyllodes breast tumors.
[Phyllodes tumor of the breast: diagnostic and therapeutic problems].
Phyllodes tumors of the breast: natural history, diagnosis, and.
Jun 28, 2012. Keywords: Benign phyllodes tumor, Breast neoplasms, ... Surgical treatment of phyllodes tumors of the breast: retrospective review of 172.
Phyllodes tumours account for less than 0.3 - 1 f all breast neoplasms.. A phyllodes tumour may be considered benign, borderline, or malignant depending on histologic features including. Treatment is usually with surgical excision.
Aug 6, 2012. A phyllodes tumour is a hard lump of tissue that can appear. about benign phyllodes tumours in the Breast awareness section of our website.
Histopathology was found to be consistent with a benign phyllodes tumor.. cases with benign phyllodes, treatment is completely surgical and breast- preserving.
M. D. Rowell, R. R. Perry, J. G. Hsiu, and S. C. Barranco, “Phyllodes tumors,” The . Del Bo et al., “Surgical treatment of phyllodes tumors of the breast,” Cancer, vol . .. Y. Inoue, T. Ichikawa et al., “Increased activity in benign phyllodes tumor on.