2003 honda accord v6 timing belt or chain

Honda Accord I4 vs V6 - Car Forums - Edmunds.
Honda Accord & Crosstour (2003 - Current). post over the internet that 2013 Crosstour I4 uses timing chain while the V6 uses the timing belt.
Answer: On the V6 you MUST change the belt at 110,000 miles or 10 years whichever comes first. The V6 is an. Does 2007 Honda accord has a timing chain or timing belt? 4 cylinder 2003-2007 Honda Accords have timing chains. 6 cylinder.
And last but not least ,, use only a factory Honda timing belt.. in 2003 the Accord 4-cyl (K-series) engine has a chain, not a timing belt.
Our 1999 Honda Accord EX V6 is due for a 7 yr / 105,000 mile.
Anyone change 1996 Accord V6 (2.7L) timing belt? Any tips? - Honda.
The V6 does have a timing belt which needs to be changed periodically (I. The four-cylinder has a timing chain that doesn't have to be changed. .. In any event, my 2003 Accord V6 reminds me a lot of a 1980's era Mercedes.
2003 honda accord v6 timing belt or chain
2013 Crosstour - Timing Belt or Timing Chain? - Honda-Tech.I need Help Picking an Accord, Vtec or not? - Drive Accord Honda.
Timing Belt Replacement - Drive Accord Honda Forums - DriveAccord.net.
2003 honda accord v6 timing belt or chain
When Should I Replace The Timing belt ?? - Honda Accord Forum.? on Honda Accord 4cyl timing chain yrs - Bob Is The Oil Guy.